Thursday, July 12, 2012

Avacynian Decisions

Just throwing cards together and seeing what sticks

So M13 is breathing down our necks and it's high time for me to comment on the previous release. Better late than never! I've settled into my new house, with my new fiance, and my mind has room to intelligently communicate via keyboard once again. Before we continue I promise that Magic is not going to be all I write about. I feel I have a Firefall beta post brewing in the depths. So, hold your pinky up to the computer monitor, smart-phone, tablet, or any other gadgetry used to divine this page from the aether. Promised. Now, on with the ideation!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Podcast: We are okay at this!

Emotions were mixed in this hot and steamy recording environment
It was a warm and muggy night. I was about 5 years old. I was listening to my Grandfather tell me stories about his war stories, mostly from Vietnam. The brutal conditions of war and how he sometimes wished he could be in the comfortable, safe, and secure confines of a podcast recording set-up. He wipes his tears away as the past starts to quickly show in his face. He slowly raises his head to look at me in my adolescent eyes and says, "Nothing defines a man like a content rich, just over an hour and at least 2 people talking about gaming, podcast." He begins to tear even more. I do as well. I cannot hold this back. After this conversation, that definitely happened, I have set out my whole entire life to do so. I think I will make him a proud Grandfather.