Friday, November 30, 2012

A Firefall Holiday Poem

By Cuculainn

'Twas the night before Christmas, when throughout Copacabana,
Not a creature was stirring, not even an Aranha,
The thumpers were hung like the stockings of yore,
In hopes the Accord would fill them with ore.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Journey in the World of Yesterfar

WTB this Swift Steed of 'Merica

Back in 2007, I bought my first computer that was somewhat worthy of the modern gaming scene. I was about to enter college and majoring in Graphic Design so this naturally caused me to buy a Macbook Pro. Being excited with my new purchase I wanted a game to play while I was at my friends houses and that had a lot of replay value. Two months ago, I would of wanted to go back in time to my young self and sack him, tell him it was a really bad idea because you are gonna hate it come the third expansion. Two months later, I would sack the one responsible for the soon-to-be sacking, and tell 2007 EF that all will be okay after the third expansion. There will be Pandas and they will save it!

It has been 2 whole years since I have even a remote thought on returning to the world of Azeroth. Then, on some random Thursday afternoon, my best friend texts me and asks, "Are you getting Mists of Pandaria?". My immediate response was a rational thought at the time. It was a long the lines of, "LOL F THAT". Little did I know that this text actually sparked my interest and caused me to look into Mists of Pandaria. Reading articles would lead to my discovery of live streams. This would lead me to wanting to live stream... andreturningbacktoWorldofWarcraft. There I said it... Wow I feel good! Like really good! Now that the burden is gone, let's write this article! Just remember, these are all my own opinions on this game. Also I am returning after a 2 year hiatus, so I'm learning some new-ish systems.

O Come, All Ye Chosen - a Friday Night Firefall holiday event

This is going to be... interesting.
'Tis the season to warm Aranhas with plasma bullets! We know this will bring just as much joy to the boys and girls in New Eden as it will to us. I still gotta put those snow tires on the LGV though... Also, is the North Pole covered in melding? These are the things that plague our minds here at 8-Bit Tavern.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday Night Firefall - 4th Edition

Here we are! Week 4 of Friday Night Firefall (#FNFF), and as always, we will be rockin' out in New Eden! This weeks FNFF will be based on farming XP for anyone who needs it for the Brontodon Brawl. Then we will all have time to adjust our frames, then do some scrims!

Friday, November 9, 2012

And Now For Something Completely Different

Beer and Video Games. A match made in heaven.

As you have probably gathered by now, we here at 8-Bit Tavern enjoy beer. On any given day, whether we're thumping in Firefall or blasting our way across the Borderlands, we often have something at hand to quench the thirst. Over time, we've developed tastes and understanding of the character of a variety of brews and have determined, through reflection and rigorous application of science, that some beers and brewers are very similar to some of our favorite games out there. If you disagree, we expect a well-reasoned argument in the comments. Or you can just troll us like the merry band of keyboard-mashing monkeys we were meant to be. I mean, this IS the internet, right?

Friday, November 2, 2012

New Eden Chronicles: Post-Firefall Fest

Firefall Fest. Say that puppy five times fast. It's actually pretty easy, so screw it. Red 5 Studios wrapped up Firefall Fest this past weekend and there was quite the line-up of guests who got to play the game with the community. And we all get to observe their shenanigans! On top of that, we became fans of Tony Rey and #TeamSweatRag. To cap the experience, Red 5 also released a brand new patch to give us beta testers more PvE content to chew on and/or abuse! Soon (TM) indeed. Between the new PvE content, new Halloween store items, and our push to create Friday Nigh Firefall, there's plenty to recap!

Read on, noble netizen.