Monday, April 30, 2012

The Fear and Loathing on Tatooine

"We can't stop here! This is Probot country."

Star Wars: The Old Republic. This game has been on my list of "Most Anticipated Games", right underneath Half-Life 3, or Half-Life 2: Episode 3, or Half-Life 2 for the Wii!

Sorry I had to put a fire out on my keyboard for typing that last one. Where was I? Ah, yes, The Old Republic. As a huge Star Wars fan, I love 100% of this game when it comes to the story, and the story for all the characters. I have not played any character yet on that game which the story sucked. I honestly get so into it I start ... role-playing. Not to the point where I will start yelling at people in General Chat on the Fleet to not say certain things cause they lead to the Dark Side. As I will role-play in all my choices. I will choose what kind of character this class will be and I go with it. Sometimes a Dark Side choice will come up that I personally do not agree with but that is who my character is. So, I sit there and murder a whole base of force sensitives, I shed tears and continually mutter, under my weeping, "I'm so sorry..."

Friday, April 27, 2012

Ahhh Google, I love your antics

Go to Google and type in "zerg rush". Be prepared to defend your browser!



P.S. Star Wars: The Old Republic Review post incoming today. Pre-1.2 patch. It is going to be nice and juicy. Good for the body, mind and soul.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

There and back again

My brother thought it was high time to enter this jungle of a blogosphere that has established itself and taken root firmly in the intertubes. He was about to go it alone when I thought back to my grade school days, where we were taught about going somewhere unknown. Buddy system baby. And we brought machetes.

So here we go.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Beginning of something I may never get to see the end of.

Well here I am. About 3 weeks after PAX East. Overwhelmed with all the beta’s I would love to dive into, but as a good citizen I work full time and try to maintain a social life. But today I bid you ado Social life... okay that’s a lie. I need my friends cause I am terrible at meeting people online to play games with. Mostly because when I do meet someone online to play with, I usually stop playing that game because of no time or a hotter and younger Video Game catches my attention.