Well here I am. About 3 weeks after PAX East. Overwhelmed with all the beta’s I would love to dive into, but as a good citizen I work full time and try to maintain a social life. But today I bid you ado Social life... okay that’s a lie. I need my friends cause I am terrible at meeting people online to play games with. Mostly because when I do meet someone online to play with, I usually stop playing that game because of no time or a hotter and younger Video Game catches my attention.
Right now I am trying to fit time into getting to 50 on my Sith Warrior in Star Wars: The Old Republic, play Tribes: Ascend because that game is stupid fun, and get some time logged onto Firefall (which I truly enjoy.)
This weekend I played the Diablo 3 beta and ... I enjoyed it. It’s nothing to fall so deeply in love with I might never see the light of another game again (Those days are over, WoW...) I was kind of hoping it would have some of the same game mechanics of Diablo 2 as far as how combat works. The “non-basic attack” is what left a bad taste in my mouth. Almost feels like skill just got thrown out the window. I enjoy that as you level you have different primary abilities that will unlock and you get to kind of choose your style of play. I later figured out you could enable a setting that will allow you to further customize what button is for what attack.
My main character was a Monk, in which they are totally badass. I loved that class. I honestly had my aim set on Demon Hunter, then I logged in and said, “Why not a Monk?” I ended up finishing the beta with the Monk and I really enjoyed playing him. I felt powerful and quick. My issue is when I finished the beta I never once used a Health Potion. Wait what? For real? I remember starting in Diablo 2 my 1-4 keys were red hot on some fights, including the levels 1-10. I feel like the game didn’t present a challenge. Is normal the new easy? I honestly did not feel like I was presented the same challenge like I had in Diablo 2. I just ran into the room use my primary attack to layout all the creatures and move to the next room for the same. I am hoping that later levels will really prove themselves to be more strategic rather than just another hack and slash game.
As for the crafting, I really REALLY like that they added that. It made the item system more then just pick crap up sell it, go gamble or just save it. Big plus there for me.
The graphics looked good. They are not the next generation of graphics but they work. It’s great for gamers that will be running anything Below GTX 400 series or the 6000HD series. Character movement and attacks were fluid. They made sense. Wasn’t jerky or random. I love how the environment is 100% interactive. I destroyed more tables in that beta than twinkies in my life.
I have one issue with how armor looks to what the item says it is. I got a “Leather Hood” off of a mob. I was pumped. Look badass with a hood! Open my inventory, and see it looks like a crown. Okay cool lets see how it looks. I right click the “Hood” and I hear a TINK. Look at my character and it’s definitely a crown. It might be a minor detail to some, but to me it drives me up the wall. It’s a minor detail but kind of almost seems elementary. I hope little things don’t get the back burner and the fix comes 6 months from now.
For now, as I am sure I managed to miss something I wanted to point out, this is my short and sweet review of Diablo 3.
As for concluding my posts I’m going to do this thing where I say the beer I am drinking or Craving. Ya see what I did there?!
Craving due to being at work and drinking at work is frowned upon: Guinness, Preferably with NHL playoffs going on infront of me.
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