"We can't stop here! This is Probot country." |
Star Wars: The Old Republic. This game has been on my list of "Most Anticipated Games", right underneath Half-Life 3, or Half-Life 2: Episode 3, or Half-Life 2 for the Wii!
Sorry I had to put a fire out on my keyboard for typing that last one. Where was I? Ah, yes, The Old Republic. As a huge Star Wars fan, I love 100% of this game when it comes to the story, and the story for all the characters. I have not played any character yet on that game which the story sucked. I honestly get so into it I start ... role-playing. Not to the point where I will start yelling at people in General Chat on the Fleet to not say certain things cause they lead to the Dark Side. As I will role-play in all my choices. I will choose what kind of character this class will be and I go with it. Sometimes a Dark Side choice will come up that I personally do not agree with but that is who my character is. So, I sit there and murder a whole base of force sensitives, I shed tears and continually mutter, under my weeping, "I'm so sorry..."