Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wood for Sheep

Whoops! Did I say that out loud?

I'm back from my literary hiatus. Nothing like the home stretch of a grad school semester to pick the sweet sweet time from your bones like a goddam vulture.

Anywho, like a lot of people, when I attended PAX East I had the opportunity to expand my horizons. One of the ways this manifested itself was in the board game arena. There was a plethora to choose from. A wholesale cornucopia, if you will, of cool games but I picked only one to actually sit down and learn. Twas one that I've heard good things many a time before: Settlers of Catan.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A memory that will forever be indescribable Pt. 2

Cosplay at it's absolute finest.


We first hit the Expo floor and immediately get overwhelmed. We walk to the Star Wars: The Old Republic almost immediately. Unfortunately people are already playing so we grab our Tauntaun pet code immediately and run for the Rockstar/Max Payne 3 booth. On the way we get distracted like a kid with A.D.D. in a room full of shiny, moving things.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A memory that will forever be indescribable Pt. 1

To some this is a group of nerds. To others it's a field
full of daisies just waiting to be frolicked in.

PAX East will forever be my favorite memory. Ever. I honestly have been starting at those two sentences for about 20 minutes now and have no real good way to segway this into a better description or even a decent metaphor. I can't. I simply cannot summarize PAX any better than that. So let's pretend that this fake transition is about as real as wrestling.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Shut Up Dad: Retro Games - Super Mario’s D&D Phase

This is our first guest article here. This is my buddy Mike (MV), who has dragged me ever so helplessly into the Walking Dead universe. Enjoy some retro gaming reading and then proceed to yell at him for having awesome interests/hobbies.

When I was a half grown, my parents were immensely sheltering. They were afraid of the grass in front of them and could barely make eye contact with the mailman. With this unholy fear of the unknown, came the general fear of media, and tried to keep my intake of film, literature, and video games to a grade A, Mickey Mouse approved level. When it came to my beloved Super Nintendo, my parents really only allowed me to own KA (that’s right, that was a rating one time) rated video games. Unfortunately for my youth, I suffered from ignorance, and didn’t even fathom the idea that there were video games out there in the world where you could kill Mechahitler or rip out someone’s heart in a fatality. I resorted to avoiding barrels in the country and throwing giant eggs at giant baby Bowser on top of a crumbling castle.

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Walken Dead needs more cowbell

OH SNAP... I am, The Walking Dead. How... inconvenient. 

Admit it, when you read that caption you read it in EXACTLY Christopher Walken's voice. Any who. About 6 months ago I watched 4 episodes of The Walking Dead and I really enjoyed it. Then I kinda fell out of watching the rest of the season. About a week ago, my buddy from college said he has 7 of the hardcover graphic novels and he is willing to let me borrow all of them. Then we started talking about the new game that was created by Tell Tale GamesThe Walking Dead. So I had to go home and get it on XBOX. Then he came over and brought the novels with him. Let’s just say my Sunday and Monday afternoons were buried into those books. And I loved it.

Monday, May 7, 2012

One card to rule them all

I ended up getting a little to greedy with my EVGA GTX 470. This was my first build where I tried to overclock everything but my memory. I tried the CPU, that caused system crashes. I did the GPU, and then my graphics card took an arrow to the knee. In kind of a literal sense though. As in, my graphics card is literally limping along as I drag it through the dirt, yelling at it, feeling sorry for it, then yelling at it all over again.

Friday, May 4, 2012

"Yes, a Jedi's strength flows from the 4th."

"But beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the 4th are they." -Yoda

Happy Star Wars day!

~May the 4th Be with you


Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Mass Effect of Entitlement

Fishy Shepard questions your decisions.

That's right! The Internets dead horse of all subjects, Mass Effect 3! As everyone has an opinion, I would love to throw mine into this vortex of hate, crying and complaining. The "mass" opinion seems to be that the ending didn't tickle the Internets fancy and a ton of players want EA to whip up a new ending for them. Then there is also the infamous day one DLC will forever be disputed like politics. So lets go right ahead and swan dive into this in hopes of there is a return from this black hole. (Don't worry, there won't be any spoilers.)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It's a Miracle!

At least that's what I'm looking to say, with some snark, as I play a deck with some of the new Magic cards with the "Miracle" mechanic in the new Avacyn Restored set. Top decking like a pro has never been so profitable.

So this post is all about MTG since there was a timely set release this past weekend. I was able to partake in the pre-release festivities, both regular and Helvaultian, and will share what morsels of knowledge I managed to scrape from the blur that was Saturday.