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Cosplay at it's absolute finest. |
We first hit the Expo floor and immediately get overwhelmed. We walk to the Star Wars: The Old Republic almost immediately. Unfortunately people are already playing so we grab our Tauntaun pet code immediately and run for the Rockstar/Max Payne 3 booth. On the way we get distracted like a kid with A.D.D. in a room full of shiny, moving things.
The 4 of us are in front of the Assassin's Creed 3 booth just starting at it when one of us finally comes back to reality and suggests we get in line to watch the game play video. We sit in line for a short 10 minutes and finally get to see this video. Holy Crap. That single handedly took that game to my top 5 games I NEED to play this year. The way into the booth was just absolutely perfect too. You were walking through this corridor of just gruesome and just really awesome details about the Revolutionary War. When you get in the "theater" it is set up with what looks like wooden boxes of contraband. There was this one part in the trailer, where Conner used a red coat to pretty much use him as a living piece of meat counter weight to ever so peacefully bring himself to the ground. Then as sick and twisted as Ubisoft clearly was to make such a move in their video game, they continue to point out how hanging feet is hilarious. I burst out laughing. Crap. I'm just as sick. Welp! This game is for me then! Ubisoft definitely went in the right direction with that game series. You know its gonna be good when the crowd watching the footage kept going "OHHHH!" every other move Connor made.
We exit this, meet up with my brother, and head to the Magic: The Gathering booth where we got our promo Merfolk Mesmerist and I got trolled by Tezzeret on the new Duels of Planeswalkers 2013. I would go into more detail about this but for those of you who have played Duels of Planeswalkers 2012, you get it. Just add Core 2013. Don't get me wrong. I do enjoy playing it with my friends when playing the actual game is not an option.
From there the group got a lil broken up but I ended up at the Natural Selection 2 booth and got to play some of the game. I was apart of the beast-like faction and it was just tons of fun. I walk up to the computer with eyes lit up like any other person in the Expo Hall. Doesn't matter what the game is. As long as you can put your hands on it and click things, you are already winning. So I started to play and realized there were teeth on the top and bottom of my screen. Okay, so I am a beast. Lets do this. Walk up to this space marine kind of soldier and find out bullets still hurt in this game. So this is me right about now. Then, the gentleman next to me jumped away from his computer to give me the 411. Turns out I can run on the walls and the ceiling. Also I can evolve into this praying mantis from hell. Oh man... This game just got real. I went on a 10 kill streak after that. My brother joined in at one point and he was on the human side of things and playing in first person mode. He didn't realize after about the 4th dive bomb I gave him that this isn't your typical first person shooter. I "evolved" to the demonic praying mantis and traded my ability to walk on walls and ceilings to being able to dash super fast swinging my arms as fast as I can and just ruining everything's day in my hell bent path. There is so much more to the game it seemed than a 10 minute demo at PAX. I hope to get my hands on this bad boy when it releases.
Next, we just kind of wandered from the video game area over to the tabletop area. I need to walk into that section with 1,000,000 dollars to just get what I want and be happy to leave that area. SO many games I would love to try. But, while I was there I focused on Magic. We walked over to that area and looked at the tournaments and tried to plan a few into our schedule for the next couple days. My brother Will, his girlfriend (now fiance!) Sara, my buddy Brian and I tried to get into a Mini Masters tournament for Magic but we were to find out that a lot of the tournaments were already full.
Once we found out it will be awhile til we could even potentially start a tournament of any kind, we fled quickly pack to the video game part of the hall and went to go see if the Borderlands 2 line went down. We were greeted by about half the population of PAX in that line. So we walked right across the way and waited to watch the game play video for Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods & Kings. I started playing Civ 5 last year and I really enjoyed it. Especially online with my friends so this expansion looks really good. I mean the one new system that really sticks out to me for this game is religion. Playing this game is what I truly love about games like this, both turn based and real time strategy. There is so much already to keep track of and to keep upgrading, religion really adds a nice new concept and benefits to your civilization. It will definitely make early game much more fun and might even speed it up. Also I might be able to find a new civ to play as other than the Romans. I will definitely be getting this in hopes to play much more of this with my friends.
From that we wandered some more. Ended up getting a ton of wristbands, promotional codes and posters. From there Will, Sara, Brian and I go to play a Two-Headed Giant booster draft. Brian was my team mate and we lost first round. I believe we went 2-1 but twas fun for being my first tournament/booster draft. I ran a White/Red deck and shuffling not good enough kicked my ass. Noob mistake but I plan on getting better.
We left to go see what Dirk and Chris were doing. So we ended up in the free to play console area. Which is so damn awesome! That is SUCH a good idea to have when the hall closes. Played a couple rounds of Mario Kart Wii and then went back to see how Will and Sara made out and they were still playing their last game.
We decided to walk back to the hotel and grab some grub where Will texts me "We won!" He comes out to join us for some late night drinks. The clock hits 12:01 and we all raise our glasses to my brothers birthday. We slide down the rest of our drinks down and file into our hotel rooms with hurting feet and tired bodies.
To be continued... and Saturday is just the best part.
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